Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pans Labyrinth

Has anyone seen this "adult fairytale"? As I sit here typing this post I am listening to the hauntingly beautiful sound track. Pans Labyrinth is a Spanish film with English subtitles. Don't be scared away because of the subtitles; the words hang around on the screen longer than most sub-titled movies, which I watch frequently. This Oscar winning movie is pure delight. It is the first movie that I have been absorbed in, in a very long time; watching it at the theatre, buying the video, and rewatching the video over again. There is a director's cut, on the video, where Guillermo Del Toro speaks throughout the video and describes his view on why he directed the movie the way he did. Very entertaining! I would love to hear your stories about the movie. Both negative and positive comments are welcome. Posted below is a sample of the video. Enjoy!


Pegg S said...

I just saw the movie this past weekend! I did not want to watch it as I usually dislike from "fantasy" movies, but it was SOOOOO GOOD. But terribly sad. I was expecting and wishing there was more of imaginary characters -- so creative and interesting. I wished I had watched the director's cut - maybe I need to re-rent it!

Risa said...

I rented the movie for the kids, I didn't realize that it was sub-titled at the time. I thought it was good though.

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

Beth I'm tickled to see you review this movie because I hadn't heard of anyone else who'd seen it and I *almost* rented it, but then changed my mind. Now I will for sure! TSF

Maria said...

I loved the movie too. It was a very engaging story. I'm a indie film fanatic so I love movies that are out of the ordinary, makes you think, and artistically creative. The only negative thing about this movie in my opinion is not the movie in itself. It's the advertising of the movie that can be misleading. Parents may not realize that this movie at some points are graphically violent and not at all made for small children to see. When I say graphicially violent, I don't mean gun violence like you see in the action movies but more of a sadistic type of violence. Other that, this film was excellent!!


Donna Baker said...

I also loved this movie, we're big fans of foreign movies. I LOVED the story, hated the antagonist & thought the soundtrack was great too.