Hi folks. Are you all pumped up, like me, that it's Thursday? For those of you who don't know what Thursday means to me -- it's my weekly wing & beer night with my friends. It's a highlight to my week because it's the day before Friday (and we all love having a weekend off--don't we?) and I get to chat and laugh myself silly with my friends.

And speaking of friends, look what my
BFF made me for Christmas. (mom,
BFF means "best forever friend"). Who is she, you ask? Kim, from
Running on Ink. Kim is a talented artist who has a love for collage and soldering. Recently, Kim was in a cottage swap, and just couldn't resist turning a small project into a big project. Click
here to see the cottage she soldered together.

There are two types of people in life. One is, "look what I want to do one day" and "look what I did today." Kim never ceases to amaze me with her talent--and how quick she can move. I am very good at sending her links to sites because "this is what I want to do one day." No sooner have I said it, Kim is posting the done project on her blog the next day--
LOL. Recently, I showed her a free doll pattern on line and
look what she got made in the next 24 hours. Isn't this gal amazing?
For Christmas, Kim made me this gorgeous necklace, which I'm wearing today. I can't wait to show it off this evening, because my friends always comment on the interesting
jewelery I wear (
ok, so I am eccentric sometimes). Her soldering job is amazing.
Kim's blog banner has an interesting story. Upon designing, and drawing, her own banner, the owner of
justjohanna noticed it immediately and contacted Kim to ask if she could turn these birds into stamps. Guess what? Kim's rubber can now be purchased at
Thanks for your friendship Kim.
You are so sweet! I hope every loves your necklace tonight! Your friendship means the world to me! I have been thinking about that puzzle- te he he...I think I'm going to the dollar store in search of one tomorrow! Enjoy your wings and beer- yummy!
I love your necklace and Kim did a fantastic job!
You so your mom can know she was not the only one that did not know what BFF was :) This is a really beautifull gift your had there!
How awesome Beth - they are both gorgeous! She is very talented! Oh, how I envy you your beer and wings night - no friends here yet and it is KILLING me!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Great post, Beth. I'm also a Kim fan. Have a great night with your friends.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
WHAOU! it's gorgeous ! You're wrightsh'es very talented !!
I'm sure all your friends want the same now ! :-)
Oh my, what a beautiful necklace!!!! Oh, and yeah, wings and beer... one of my faves too!
Dianne K.
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