Yahoo, my unit is put back together. Now I have the motherload of work ahead of me trying to take everything out of boxes (and that pile where DH just 'dumped' my 4' x 4' drawer of punches, alcohol inks, etc., etc., on the floor) and placing them ever so carefully into each of the nine drawers. Wowzers, does this mean I will actually have some organization to my studio? I can just hear my daughter, as she reads this: "mom, you always say you cleaned your studio, but it's always a mess." Sheesh, am I that bad? LOL. Thank you for your support yesterday, you made me giggle.
All, in all, it wasn't so bad having to go through this afterall--I really needed to clear out some things. I'm turning my cleaning woos into treasure. Here is something I have to give away. I paid a wopping $17 for this set, and it can be yours. How? you ask?
Tell me what tutorial you would like to see me do. It can be a style of card, or a technique. If you can't think of one, then just say hi and leave me a comment. Don't forget to sign my guest book, if you haven't done so already. Please supply me with your e-mail address so I can contact you if you are the winner. Drawing will take place Sunday afternoon.
Good luck to all!
Hi Beth!
Since I "tune in" for Tutorial Tuesday" every week....I'm going to say this. I enjoy your blog and every Tuesday is a new adventure. I have learned a lot, your creativity is endless!
I love your blog! I was gonna say a tutorial on alchol inks would be great...but lo and behold there is one already.
Those things intimidate me.
Keep up the good work!
You're so right, I love those arrows!! Very very cool!
As for techniques, there are not very many that I actually use regularly. I'm also interested in the alcohol inks...I'll have to take a peek!
Since I don't know what you've already done, I guess I'm off to explore :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Congrats and good luck!! And I need a tutorial on stuff to do with acetate...I just got a big stack from a friend and have no clue of where to start!!
Hey chickadee! I have no ideas for ya...I do have to say that every time you post a new one, it is typically something I never see or so rarely do as to make it stand out from the rest (and I do see my fair share!). Cheers!
how about a pop up card? I saw some today at the lss and they are way cool.
I haven't heard of half of the techniques you come up with so please, just surprise me. I'm sure I will love whatever you come up with.
How about a tutorial on clipboards! Clipboards I have not done yet.
Congrats on getting your room together. I start working on mine and then I found something to play with and then the cleaning is for later. Count me in on this sweet stamp set. I would love to see a tutorial on ways to use metal on cards. Thanks for a chance.
Wow, I've just had a wonderful time looking through your tutorials. Very instructional and inspirational. You're doing a great job.
I'm not sure I can think of anything specific, but agree with a previous comment about metal.
Thanks for the offer.
I'd like to see a tutoral on different styles and folds of cards. I see so many cute criss-cross cards lately and haven't a clue as to how they do it:) Thanks for offering us a chance to win some goodies.
Hello, I'm a beginning cardmaker, and I don't know much yet. So I'd prefer technique tutorials. I only do heat embossing now and I would like to try other things.
You have a great variety of tutorials and I can't think of anything else, so I will just say HI!
loves the arrows!!!!
just what you can do your techniques.. i love to learn many different techniques.
thanks Katey :)
I would like a tutorial on any 3D items for gift giving. Thanks for the opp to win something so fun. Darlene L
You always come up with the best tutorials ...they are all my favorite!
I look forward to your tutorials and enjoy every one. Can't think of any that I haven't seen. I really like the arrows!
Diane Young
I look forward to your tutorials and enjoy every one. Can't think of any that I haven't seen. I really like the arrows!
Diane Young
Hi Beth; I know what a chore it is to get organized in your craft space! OY VAY!
I have just discovered Alcohol Inks and I would love to see some tutorials with different techniques using these products. I have seen some done on Tim Holtz site and I love them!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful set.
Pop-up card--me, too!! Got your blog from another blogger, love it. Say HI! HI
Wow, Beth, I'm a first time visitor that just signed your guest book. Your tutorials look wonderful. It will take me a long time to go back and try all of these wonderful techniques and cards. I didn't get a chance to go through all of them, so I don't know if you already have a tutorial on using microbeads (maybe like shaker cards?)...I've added you to my favorites. I'm going to be quite busy looking through your archives! Thanks for the chance to win and having such a rich, informative blog.
I'm a newbie in stamping world, so any tutorial would be great for me. I'm still learning from bloggers! Thanks for the giveaway, those stamps are cool!
OMG!!! I LOVE arrows!! These would be perfect on my scrapbook pages! You are so generous! I would love to see a tutorial on using alcohol inks. I have some of the supplies, but I can't make it work. I think I need to see how someone else does it!
Cheryl KVD
I love your blog and I love your tutorials. Your presentation is great. Maybe you can do a tutorial on different things that can be done with a certain item or product such as micro beads, nestabilities, cuttlebug or embossing. Just a thought. Any altered projects are cool too. I love the stamp set of the arrows. Great for scrapbookking or cards. Thanks so much for the chance at such great treats.
Awesome blog candy Beth! I love the pop-up card but can never seem to get mine right so that would be a good one!
What a great blog! I just subscribed. I love alcohol inks so really enjoy those tutorials.
NancyS (momsnack)
I have a simple, basic request. I can't figure out how to ink the edges and make it look good. I either get just the edge inked and it looks like a stripe...or...I get too much ink on the front of the card and it looks sloppy. Help!
love that candy! I purchased a bind-it-all and have yet to use it because I'm not sure how. I probably just need to play with it. Congrats on an organized space :) .
Just wanted to say, you are the winner with all of these comments. Love, Mom
Hi , I've already tried one of your tutorial but mlay be how to use alcohol ink , distress ink and perfect pearl at the same time , on the same layout .
But all your tutorials are great
I would like to see some sort of "resist" tutorial ... I love doing those!
The arrows are great .. thanks for cleaning and giving them away :)
Hi, I'm still learning a lot so all tutuorial I find very useful, thanks for giving away those stamps the arrows are great! I love the name of your blog..makes me think of summer days..love it.
Paola Norman
Hi it's Paola again, sorry I forgot to leave my email address, its paolanorman@hotmail.com
Hi Beth!
I like stamping and everything new wiht stamps is just nice.
Hugs from Finland.
I'd love to see any tutorial with a unique fold --- anything other than the standard....could be a different shape, size, or card within a card, etc.....Love that blog candy too!!
All your tutorials are great Beth! You are doing a great job!!!! I will love whatever you come up with...but I would love to see a tutorial on ways to use stampbords.
This set is AWESOME!! I'd like to see a tutortial on using recyled products, bottoms of jars, lids, bubble wrap, chipboard made from cereal boxes, just different ideas likethat. Thanks for the opportunity!
I love your blog and all of your wonderful tutorials. I've learned so much for visiting your blog. Keep up the awesome work!
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